Share what you know about the year you were born.
So, real quickly; what I know about the year I was born (1969) and that summer is the following. First, this was the summer when man first walked on the moon. This summer or fall, I don’t remember exactly, was the last episode of Star Trek the original series. Ironically, this seems to have laid the foundations of some of my obsessions throughout childhood and into adulthood with space and exploration and science fiction and all of these things etc.
That’s just one little reflection upon reading the prompt that I had. And God willing I will be writing and posting more to the website then planning a complete overhaul. So please be patient with me and In Shaa’ Allaah (God willing) there will be great things to come. That’s a high bar, but I’m hoping to at least be able to approach it if not exceed it.
Looking forward to sharing the journey with you. Talk to you soon.