Self Mastery and Spiritual Growth: My Personal Journey

Self Mastery and Spiritual Growth: My Personal Journey


Peace be upon those who follow Guidance,

First Steps to Transformation

Feel free to dive into some brief reflections on the path of Sulook (spiritual journeying) – the link above is to a thread on my Twitter account. It’s an adventure I’ve been on for some time now, and I’m constantly trying to find new information to help me understand it and implement it in my own life.

One thing that helped me enormously was a detailed study of Ibn Qudaamah’s book Mukhtasar Minhaaj al-Qaasideen – (literally) the abridgement of the methodology of the desirous ones. It’s all about the journey of seeking spiritual perfection – or at least what comes as close as possible to it (since we’ll never be ‘perfect’).

Why I’m on this journey

I was born with a rare metabolic disorder. It prevents me from processing a component of protein in the right way. The end result is that very important things like Serotonin and Tryptophan are in short supply in my brain. Because of that I had great difficulty with focus, impulse and emotional control, and thinking in general. It leads to a greatly increased risk of anxiety and depression. This caused me to both need and want to find ways to gain some level of self mastery.

In addition to that, I finally started to get my condition under control through new developments in therapy. Al-Hamdulillaah (all thanks and praise is due to Allaah [God]).

Next Steps

I’m going to try and share more and more of these gems with time. Please be patient.

Join me on this journey and let’s grow together!

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