As I continue my journey as a consultant, retiring from clinical and leadership nursing after 27 years, I find myself asking: do I still belong? Nursing is still woven in me. The collaboration, connection and communication. I began to question my role, employment choices and commitment to others. .I understand better that a healthy workplace regardless of where it is requires belonging. It is vital to building and sustaining trust. So to bridge the gap of the unknown, the pointers I used to keep me grounded
Belonging to yourself – knowing who you essentially are, and what you stand for in life. Trust your intuition, judgement and wisdom. embrace your choices
Belonging to your new profession – you’re making an intentional choice to retire and start a new career. You can leave a job without abandoning the ore of what it means to be a nurse, a consultant or whatever profession you cose after. Pausing to reflect what it means to belong without reactivity or distraction can allow us to make integrity-preserving choices and to avoid regrets